Attorney Portrait Civil Law

Should I Hire a Lawyer to Create a Business Contract in Ohio?

| Read Time: 3 minutes

Small business owners don’t have a lot of experience negotiating contracts. Most people shy away from business contracts because they are complex and full of technical language. But no matter how minor the matter, you need to know what you’re signing.  Having a lawyer review your business contract can be a big help in this area. With an Ohio contract...

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Attorney Portrait Civil Law

What Makes an Enforceable Contract Under Ohio Law?

| Read Time: 3 minutes

In Ohio, for a contract to be legally enforceable, certain elements—like a valid offer, acceptance, and a meeting of the minds—must be present within the document or verbal agreement. These elements help ensure the enforceability of the contract and confirm the agreement is valid and binding under the law.  In this post, the experienced Ohio contract attorneys at Bensinger...

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Attorney Portrait Civil Law

Consequential Damages in Ohio Breach of Contract Claims

| Read Time: 4 minutes

A frequent issue in contract disputes is whether a non-breaching party can recover consequential damages arising from a breach of contract. Of course, in a contract action, whenever a plaintiff requests damages, those damages must be a consequence of a contract breach. However, consequential damages are typically those damages that are unforeseeable, remote, and beyond the contemplation of the...

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Attorney Portrait Civil Law

Common Types of Contract Disputes in Ohio

| Read Time: 3 minutes

Some people see contract dispute cases as a cost of doing business. The good news is that it does not have to be that way for your company. When you negotiate and sign an agreement, you should be able to trust that the other party will hold up their side of the bargain. Far too often, your counterparty may...

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Attorney Portrait Civil Law

What Is Actual Breach of Contract in Ohio?

| Read Time: 3 minutes

No matter what kind of business you are in, a breach of contract can impact your company, your customers, and your livelihood. But what is an actual breach of contract in Ohio? An actual breach of contract is when a party to the contract fails to meet the obligations stated in a contract by the due date. This means...

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Attorney Portrait Civil Law

What Is Anticipatory Breach of Contract in Ohio?

| Read Time: 3 minutes

Contracts are necessary to order your affairs and accomplish tasks in your personal and professional life. When deals fall apart, either because you cannot perform as promised or because the other party backs out unexpectedly, it can significantly impact your life.  Learn how our Ohio breach of contract attorneys can assist you by calling (419) 455-1410 or sending us an online message today. What Is...

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Attorney Portrait Civil Law

What Is a Material Breach of Contract in Ohio?

| Read Time: 3 minutes

Contracts range from multi-party complex commercial transactions to residential real estate agreements and everything in between. Parties need to understand their legal rights and pursue compensation if the other party fails to follow through as promised. Not following through on a contract is, in legal terms, called a breach. A material breach of contract occurs if someone’s failure to abide by...

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Attorney Portrait Civil Law

Common Types of Breach of Contract in Ohio

| Read Time: 3 minutes

Most of us use contracts every day in both life and business. A valid contract legally binds the parties to fulfill specific duties. Failure to perform those obligations results in a breach of contract. For example, if a restaurant orders and pays for 100 eggs and a seller delivers them in the agreed-upon time frame, the contract is fulfilled....

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Attorney Portrait Civil Law

How Much Can You Sue for Breach of Contract in Ohio?

| Read Time: 4 minutes

You enter into many contracts in many contexts in your personal and professional life. When things go well, the agreements benefit you, paving the way for you to receive a house or a car in exchange for monthly payments. But when things go awry and the deal falls apart, it can cause significant financial and legal headaches.  If you’re...

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Attorney Portrait Civil Law

Statute of Limitations for Breach of Contract in Ohio

| Read Time: 3 minutes

In 2021, Ohio shortened its statute of limitations for breach of contract. If you are considering suing for a breach, this new law makes it important to speak with an Ohio lawyer as soon as possible. Previously, claimants could bring a breach lawsuit up to eight years after a violation occurred, depending upon the facts of the case. This...

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